Looking at the vault of Blind 6 from behind. Note the shallow water.

Blind 6 at Ridgefield sits at the northwest corner of the refuge. It was scraped a few years ago and now seems to attract more ducks on the whole.

The blind features a two-man vault and a one-man cylinder with metal lids. It sits in the northeast corner of an oval and shallow pond.

Hunting Style

You will get a lot of pass shooting opportunities in this blind, so if you’re a good shot you should do well. I like to fill the upwind side of the pond with decoys and leave the downwind side open for ducks. However, you might want to push the decoys to the far shore if possible because birds will flare before they present a good passing shot.

Shallow water and low grass make retrievals without a dog easier at this blind.

Goose Opportunities

You’ll get plenty of flyovers here, especially from birds taking off from the river to the west and coming back to the refuge. There’s a good patch of grass behind the blind if you want to try putting out some geese, but you also risk flaring ducks. I’ve also had pairs of geese land in the pond when I’ve put a couple of floaters out there.

This is Blind 6. We bring sticks with us and hand our packs from them to keep them out of the muck in the bottom of the blind.
The sun hitting the trees way out in front of the pit at Blind 6 at Ridgefield NWR.

Blind Details

Type: Pit, 2-person concrete vault with 1-person cylinder.

Pros: Short walk from parking lot; shallow water; easy set-up.

Cons: No cover around the pit, so bring your own. Water levels can be low early in the season. Blind is very slow on clear days.

Hunting Log
